Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tag your it

My daughter in law tagged me as it to tell six things about myself. I tag Lucy and Rebbecca next. Hope to read their six things soon.
So here are my six things:
1. Presently I am passionate about my canidate for President for the U.S.(see photo, Mike and I at the political rally in KC last weekend)
2. I am compulsive when it comes to keeping busy, so sitting and doing nothing at all is actually hard for me.
3. I love to bake bread, cakes, cookes etc... not very good at pies yet
4. I love to excercise, yoga, palates and walking are my favorite
5. I love to read, and these days I especially love to read to my grandson Max.
6. I am passionate about making a difference for good in this world.

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